Background Introduction

As the marketplace becomes increasingly more competitive, customer care is becoming a hot topic for virtually all business organizations. Especially, customer retention and customer loyalty are becoming the focuses of concern for business organizations.

In order to recognize and spread the experiences and achievements in the area of customer care by Chinese enterprises from various industries, the China Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCEC) and CNCCA, under the auspices of MIICCOS, China Enterprise Research Center of Tsinghua University, and CCMworld Group, will organize the 2006 China Customer Care Conference and related events.

Capitalizing on the success of the first such event, i.e. 2005 China Customer Care Conference, this year’s conference will more thoroughly check into the degree to which the customer care philosophy is adopted by companies from various industries, and the state of customer care channels construction.

As a continuation of past practices, the conference will examine the philosophy, practices and outcomes of customer care, by conducting a large-scale survey, named China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprises, beginning from March 1, 2006. Those score the highest in customer satisfaction/loyalty from each industry will be the winners of the 2006 China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprise award.

Related events include China Service Brand Exhibition and Promotion?2006, Earphone Life Call Center Theme Compositions and Pictures Competition, 2006 China Call Center Summit & Call Center of the Year Election, and China Customer Care Club Exhibition & Promotion?2006.

The purpose of the conference and related events is to spread and promote customer care and management among companies from various industries, to help increase synergy between the customer care department and other departments within a company and the management level of their customer interaction channels, to develop standards for customer care and management for specific industries, and to accelerate the development of call centers, customer relationship management and related industries in China.

As a summit for introducing and sharing customer service experiences, the conference and its related events will also push forward the healthy development of customer care among enterprises and provide valuable information for the government to form relevant rules and regulations.

Borrowing from internationally established practices and referring to the customer care criteria of Chinese companies, we will invite well-known experts from home and abroad to form the assessment panel, and apply strict scientific investigation and measuring techniques to decide the award winners. Paralleling with the assessment process which will be conducted by panel members making personal visits to applicant companies, we will also hold no less than 15 events titled CCMworld Forum or CCMworld Member Saloon.



Sponsor: China Call-Center & CRM Association (CNCCA)

China Call-Center & CRM Association (CNCCA) is a supporting organization to the Ministry of Information Industry of China (MII) in its efforts to regulate the call center and CRM services market, and the only association for the call center and CRM services industry registered with the Civil Affairs Ministry of China.


CNCCA, a nationwide organization voluntarily constituted by service providers, equipment manufacturers and vendors, service and equipment users in the call center, CRM and contact center services industry, as well as organizations and individuals that are concerned with the development of the call center/CRM sector of China, is under the leadership of China Chamber of Electronic Commerce (CCEC) in its business operations, and under the guidance of the Division of Economic Structure Reform & Economic Operation, MII.

CNCCA is the sponsor of the annual event China Customer Care Conference & China Customer Care Benchmark Enterprises Election. It organizes and supervises the election of China Call Center of the Year.
Organization website:

Co-sponsor: Ministry of Information Industry Committee of Call-center Official Standards (MIICCOS)

Founded in November 29, 2001, MIICCOS is a third party specialized committee designed to guide the development of call center related industries of China. It maintains a high level experts team composed of academics, professionals, and managers related to the call center industry, as well as officials from government regulatory bodies. It is devoted to pooling industry resources, facilitating exchange of opinions regarding employee selection, training and development in the industry, and providing guiding principles for the industry’s healthy development in the long run.

The selection process of MIICCOS experts consists of nomination by current experts, qualification audit, and voting by all current experts. MII will issue certificates for MIICCOS experts, whose responsibilities include opinion contribution for the development and regulation of China’s call center related industries, and participating in management activities.

Co-sponsor: China Enterprise Research Center, Tsinghua University

China Enterprise Research Center (CERC) of Tsinghua University focuses on the science of business, especially theoretic studies on the fundamentals and principles of Chinese business enterprises and business management, and application studies on the reform and development of Chinese enterprises. CERC organizes entrepreneur forums and academic seminars, publishes academic journals, and facilitates various forms of academic exchange activities, in order to absorb fresh thoughts, raise its academic positions and enhance the image of Tsinghua University.

CERC started its research on the measurement system and methodology for the China Customer Satisfaction Index in 1996. It also co-founded the Customer Satisfaction Measurement Center (CSMC) with China Standardization Institute in May 12th, 2005. CSMC conducts research and measurement on nationwide customer satisfaction, and issues relevant information to the society, helping companies improve quality and increase bottom line. It major functions also include: formulating a customer satisfaction index system suitable for China, measuring customer satisfaction for major industries, and providing information for relevant government decisions.

Co-sponsor: CCMworld Group

As government sponsored third-party research and development organization, CCMworld Group positions itself in the area of customer care and management, where it is gaining nationwide respect.

CCMworld Group concerns itself on the development of various customer care and management channels such as call centers, CRM, physical outlets, and electronic channels. It promotes the theories and best practices of customer identification, customer acquisition, customer development, and customer retention and recapture, covering the entire customer lifecycle. It integrates international and local talents, organizes various exchange activities, facilitates communications with the industry, and provides a platform for the development of industry professionals.

By identifying best practices and industry benchmarks, leading the formation of benchmark systems and relevant standards, unifying industry jargons and concepts, and promoting industry benefits, CCMworld Group tries to enhance the recognition and influence of the industry, raise the level of customer care and management in China, and push for lasting, healthy and stable development of the industry.

CCMworld magazine is the flagship medium, and the only paper publication of the customer care and management industry in China. The organization website is an interactive platform for knowledge share and consensus formation for the customer care and management industry, playing a supporting role for the industry’s development. CCMworld Institute, a subsidiary of CCMworld Group, is a talents pool and prestigious training center for the industry; it helps to develop human resources for the industry by organizing seminars, discussion sessions, and training programs.

CCMworld Group currently has 150 experts across Asian Pacific region, and 28, 000 plus registered members.
Organization website: