1) We welcome all the Chinese Call Center operation organizations from various professions and enterprises participate positively. All the participating units should be the organizations established in Mainland China. The operational organizations with Call Center
operation entity (temporarily not including Hong Kong, Macao special administrative regionand Taiwan Region) based on CTI technology platform; possess with certain scale, technology and operation ability, comprehensive service index, customer satisfaction and leading in various benefits.
2) Call Centers registered for participation must base on one connecting platform. Those Call Centers with only one number connection but with distribution in specific places (for example: Mobile 1860 Customer Service Center of ** province), can register for participation as an independent Call Center operation unit.
3) Please take note that only those enterprises in which fill in all the "compulsory items" in the survey form in full are eligible to have the participating right. Based on this foundation, for those complete all other survey items in the form will help the evaluate committee members understanding the various index situations of the Call Center operation even more comprehensively.
4) We suggest the participants provide the entire summary material besides the index of Call Center ability. This material will become the important reference for appraisal work. This material should be able to reflect various management work (Please refer to evaluation standard for details) of the Call Center. No restriction on format, number of words.
The Electronic version may send to: award2006@CCMWorld.net. For non- electronic version, you may mail the written information to: " China best Call Center Awards Committee 2006 ̄ (Room 501, Block A , International Port , No. 2, DongSan Huan North Road , Chaoyang District, Beijing China . zip code: 100027).
5) Taking in-depth supplement and value-added service of this survey into accord, all the participated enterprises will receive a copy of free " Chinese Call Center Management Benchmark Report 2006", and stand a chance to be invited for the participation of " China Call Center Summit 2006 and Award Presentation Ceremony 2006" which will be commenced in September/October at Shanghai.
6) This survey will be conducted and observed strictly to the objective fair principle. It will not be influenced by any other factors. All the interested enterprise is requested to fill in the form truthfully, and we will keep confidential for all the data involving commercial secrets of the enterprise.
7) The survey will become one of the important materials in the final evaluation. We prefer you send us the completed questionnaire by emails and then we will forward to the judge panel.
Download China Best Call Center Survey
CCMWorld Group
Tel: 86-10-84471970
Fax: 86-10-84471790
Email: award2006@CCMWorld.net