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| 来源:客户世界 | 2010-11-02


获奖介绍:目前,银行外拨中心完成外呼业务时,通常会采用预测式外呼方式。但是国际主流品牌的预测式外拨系统经常将彩铃、录音通知、自动应答机、自动总机、秘书台等的提示语音错误认为接通,转接至坐席显示来电,此时对方已挂断,会浪费大量人力,降低外拨效率。对于未能接通的电话需要人工座席再次拨打以确认客户电话准确状态,才能开展后续业务处理,浪费人力。由于无法准确识别客户电话状态,无法做到精细化的安排外呼工作,给外呼工作的成功率和效率造成了不良影响。商路通RNA引擎是基于MIT(美国麻省理工学院)的 Pattern Recognition(模式识别)和Neural Network(神经网络)国际领先算法。历经5年的科学试验,成功研发RNA引擎,识别准确率达97%以上,填补了国际、国内技术空白。RNA引擎,能够准确识别国内通信运营商提供的以下20多种电话状态。RNA引擎的研制成功,将彻底解决目前银行呼叫中心由于无法识别电话状态而造成的人力成本巨大浪费问题。


Brief introduction of the Winning Units:

To complete outbound business, bank call centers usually use predictive outbound. But the international mainstream brands of predictive dialing systems often confuse ring tones, audio notification, automatic answering machine, auto attendant, voice prompts, and etc to connected. This will waste a lot of manpower, reduce outbound efficiency. Need for manual unable to access the phone agent to confirm the customer calls again to make accurate state, to follow-up of business, and waste of manpower. Because the state can not accurately identify the customer calls, the arrangements can not perform outbound fine work to the outside call success rate and efficiency of the work and had a negative impact.SynRoute RNA engine is based on MIT Pattern Recognition and Neural Network Algorithm is an international leader. After 5 years of scientific experiments, SynRoute successfully developed the RNA engine and accurate identification rate is beyond 97%. This technology filled the international and domestic technology gaps. RNA engine to accurately identify 20 kinds of call status the domestic telecommunications operators. With RNA engine successful developed , it will completely solve the current banking call center does not recognize the phone status as a result of a huge waste of human cost of the problem.

There are two method of RNA engines solutions. Trunk combined solution: In the existing system, based on a way trunk combined recording line, real-time predictive dialing system will work when recorded outgoing, RNA recognize, and its form call status result; Network solution: outbound call initiated by the predictive dialing system, RNA analysis, real-time predictive outbound notification systems, predictive dialing system according to the state of RNA to conduct banking business to provide follow-up processing.



