梅雪 新中北集团总裁
获奖介绍:杭州大学中文系毕业,北京首都经贸大学硕士研究生。曾从事新闻工作及人力资源工作,1993年进入通信行业,专注于通信行业的发展和研究至今。曾荣获“中国优秀女企业家”、“关爱员工优秀民营企业家”、“中国百名杰出女企业家”、“全国杰出创业女性” 海南省“三八”红旗手称号等荣誉。现任职海南省工商联(总商会)监事会副会长、海南省青年企业家协会副会长、中国女企业家协会常务理事、海南省妇女联合会副会长。
Brief introduction of the Winning Units: Meixue, got the bachelor’s degree from Chinese department of Hangzhou University .Then she graduates from School of Humanities Capital University of Economics and Business. Once she was engaged in the newspaper work and human resources work, she entered the communications industry in 1993 and concentrated on the communications industry development and research until now. She had the honor to receive “the Chinese outstanding female entrepreneur” ,“the outstanding private entrepreneur to show loves to the staff” ,“one of the Chinese hundred outstanding female entrepreneurs” and “national outstanding undertaking female”, Hainan “38” red-banner pacesetter title and other honors. Presently she holds an office in the Hainan association of industry and commerce (general chamber of commerce) board of supervisors vice-chairmen and vice-chairmen of Hainan youth entrepreneurs association and the executive member of the council Chinese female entrepreneurs association and vice-chairman of Hainan Women’s Federation.