
    |     2015年7月13日   |   文库   |     评论已关闭   |    1520


孙树明 大连易尚阳光科技有限公司总经理

获奖介绍:1971年生于大连市一普通家庭。 两岁时,患有骨髓灰质炎,一生注定与轮椅为伴。1997年,办了一家电脑公司。1999年,大连首届信息技术及设备博览会上,展示了他的“爱心网站”,是中国第一个由残疾人主办的大型公益性网站。2000年,参与策划了大连网络联盟,被推举为60多家网络公司的形象代言人。并在中国首届金牌形象大使大赛,获“中国首届金牌形象大使”的称号。 与此同时,筹建了中国第一家残疾人网上学校-爱心网校。2000年底,当选为辽宁省自强模范;2001年初,被大连市政府授予大连市电子信息技术推广应用工作先进个人。同年,组织策划了亚洲第一支“轮椅模特队”。并成立了大连爱心网络科技有限公司任董事长。2003年,任大连市残疾人福利基金会副秘书长。2005年,成立大连爱心艺术家俱乐部。在2008年的“大连市民办非企业单位自律与诚信评估工作总结暨授匾大会”上,俱乐部被授予4A级民办非企业单位。2009年6月,成立大连易尚阳光科技有限公司,任总经理职务。公司创办以来,吸纳了大量残疾人员工。为探索信息时代残疾人就业的途径与思路做出来巨大的贡献。

Brief introduction of the Winning Units: Mr.Sunshuming,Was born in a family of workers in Dalian.He suffered from polionmyelitis and would be confined in wheelchair for a life time.In 1997,he start his own computer company.In the Dalian Information Technoligy And Devices Expo of 1999,he exhibited his "loving network station".Which is the first public welfare network run by disabled people in China.He took part in planning the Dalian Network Union and was selected to be an image speaker for more than 60 network companies in 2000.And was awarded the honourable title of"The best image speaker".At the same time,he start the first disabled persons’network school.At the end of 2000,he was award the "Model renenwal of LIaoning Province".and Dalian IT popularization and application advanced in pidual by Dalian government at 2001.In the same year,he established the first wheelchair model team of Asia.In 2003,he work as deputy  secretary-general of Dalian disabled persons’welfare foundation.And set up Dalian loving artist club at 2005.The club was award"4A class people-runnon-enterprise units"in the Dalian People-runnon-enterprise units evaluate conference of 2008.In 2009,he work as general manager of Ensun Technology Co Ltd.until now.The company attracted a large number of disabled employees  since foundered.To explore the method for employment of persons with disabilities in the information age.



