
    |     2015年7月13日   |   文库   |     评论已关闭   |    1388


冷晓明  杭州银行电子银行部副总经理

获奖介绍:冷晓明女士1996年在中国投资银行工作,1997年-2008年10月在杭州市商业银行个人金融处、人力资源部、零售业务总部工作,从事信贷、人力资源管理、个人业务营销策划及业务推动、营销团队管理、客户服务等方面工作.冷晓明女士于2006年负责筹建客服中心,开始从事客服中心管理方面工作,与澳大利亚和新西兰银行业客服中心管理人员就客户服务体系完善和呼叫中心建设等进行交流沟通,并带领团队获得“2008中国最佳联络中心新锐奖”,个人被评为“2008中国最佳联络中心管理人” 。目前冷晓明女士担任杭州银行电子银行部工作.

Brief introduction of the Winning Units: The nature of the customer service tells us that we can’t work carelessly or equivocally. As we known, detail is the key of success. Through careful consideration and repeated studies, Miss Len has made service standards and operation processes so as to establish a perfect processing management system. Based on the detail pision of the need of the customers’ service and the whole process of calling as a unit, she also has formulated segmental service standards and operational standards, which achieved desired results, ensuring that every customer can get a unified and standard service.



