
    |     2015年7月13日   |   文库   |     评论已关闭   |    1329



HiChina Customer Service Dept.

| 来源:客户世界 | 2010-10-27

所处行业 互联网 
人员数量 100
所在城市 北京 
座席数量 120
建立时间 2000年 
客服号码 售后:400-600-8500  售前:400-600-3456
网址  www.net.cn





Brief Introduction of the Winning Units:

HiChina,founded in 1996, is the leading network services providers for the corporation in China, providing host services, mail hosting , e-commercial business, domain name registration, etc., relating to the whole services for the company to connect to the internet as well as website creation, to assist the company to build up their own website in order to promote website with high quality and low cost, to make the network information-based service.

In order to make sure the quality of HiChina’s services, the customers service center has been organizing customer’s satisfaction survey and the action of taking care of customers. The quality department has been following up the complaining from customers, and feedback to the unsatisfied customers to meet and enhance the satisfaction of them.

Therefore, HiChina is committed to providing the most advanced and persified service, and put the service quality the number one place. HiChina is therefore developing continuously during the most serious competitive environment, and making the big improvement for 14 years, just because its service quality has been acknowledged from middle and big company. Imaging yourself as the real customer, you will know how to deal with and satisfied the customers. Once you put your feet in customer’s shoes, you will find where the question is. Every domain has collect the brand of customers and knowledge authorized. Every website is united with the blood and honor of customers, and their developing life line.  Our employees have been treating the customers by this kind of attitude. The center of customers’ service has been making the progress with the development of HiChina and all those customers.




