Teleopti (瑞捷迅)公司世博会瑞典馆特别活动介绍

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Teleopti (瑞捷迅)公司世博会瑞典馆特别活动介绍

Teleopti Event in Sweden Pavilion, World Expo 2010

| 来源:客户世界 | 2010-10-25

2010年9月6日,Teleopti (瑞捷迅)公司协同战略合作伙伴宇高通讯设备有限公司在上海世博会的瑞典馆举行了一场别开生面的劳动力资源与绩效管理方案的交流会, 大约九十多位与会代表参加了此次盛会,他们分别是来自中国移动、中国工商银行、中国银联商务、联想、腾邦国际等客户代表,以及来自日本、美国和欧洲的客户、合作伙伴和中国电子商会呼叫中心委员会的代表。
On September 6, 2010, a spectacular event about workforce management (WFM)solutions was jointly held at the Swedish Pavillion of the World Expo 2010, held by Teleopti and its strategic partner VoiceCodes Communication Equipment Limited. Over 90 representatives attended the event. Customers and representatives from China Mobile, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Union Pay Merchant Service, Lenovo, Tempus International, customers as well as partners from Japan, America and Europe, and representatives from China Call-Center & CRM Association.

Teleopti AB 的创始人兼董事会主席–Nils Bildt 先生首先介绍了公司近20年的历史、文化和成长轨迹。在短短的30分钟里,Nils Bildt 先生讲述了他如何缔造了Teleopti 公司并连续保持了18年的业绩增长,如何从瑞典把业务拓展到整个欧洲,以及后来进入中东、俄罗斯和南亚市场并成为全球知名的WFM 供应商。最后,他表示中国市场即将步入快速发展期,并承诺对中国客户提供更多的客户支持资源。随后,Teleopti 中国区的高级咨询顾问杨彦阳先生进行了最新版本的Teleopti CCC V7劳动力资源与绩效管理方案产品演示和讲解。
Mr. Nils Bildt, the founder and the Teleopti Chairman of the Board held a presentation of the company’s 20-year history, culture and development process. During the 30-minute speech, Mr. Nils Bildt shared his views and presented how he founded the company and maintained continuous growth for 18 years and how the business expanded from Sweden to the rest of Europe, and later to Middle East, Russia and South Asia, and became a leading WFM provider. Finally, he declared that the Chinese market will have a rapid development period and promised to provide Chinese the customers with more support resources. After Mr. Nils Bildt’s speech, Mr. Yanyang Yang, Senior Advisor from Teleopti China made a presentation of Teleopti CCC V7 WFM solutions.

在客户、合作伙伴与厂商的互动环节,与会代表分为了若干小组进行了讨论,讨论中国WFM 市场的特点、制约之处和如何取得突破性发展的要点。(Teleopti 中国区负责人叶城汇总后分发给与会代表后反响热烈)。然后所有与会人员在讲解员的带领下参观了主体为“创意之光”的瑞典馆,充分领略瑞典创新技术,以及如何不断通过技术创新创建了更加和谐的人居环境与遍布世界的商业品牌奇迹。
During the interaction with customers, partners and manufactures, panel discussions were held by all representatives. Focusing on the characteristics and constrained aspects of the Chinese WFM market, as well as the key points for achieving breakthrough development. (A summary of discussion contents made by Cheng Ye, Principal from Teleopti China was distributed to all the representatives and arouse response among them). After that, led by the interpreter, all participants visited the Sweden Pavilion with the theme of “Spirit of Innovation”, fully experiencing Sweden’s innovative technologies, the harmonious human-habitat environment and globally recognized brands created by continuous technological innovation.

Teleopti 的战略合作伙伴Avaya 则阐述了未来客户联络中心的发展远景。AVAYA 中国区副总裁李农先生介绍了新的技术变革对客户服务中心的影响,以及AVAYA 如何通过新的架构和开放的平台支持用户同客服中心进行更灵活的互动联系,并介绍了同Teleopti 合作的全球成功案例。
Avaya, the strategic partner of Teleopti presented their vision of future customer contact center development. Mr. Nong Li, Vice President from Avaya China elaborated on the influence of new technological innovation exerted at customer service centers. A more flexible and interactive contact between users and customer service centers by using a new framework and open platform as well as introducing successful cases from cooperating with Teleopti.

最后,宇高公司的助理总经理李涛先生介绍了如果通过协同Teleopti 的劳动力资源与绩效管理方案相结合,提供更有效的、本地化的WFO 方案,分阶段满足客服中心多层面、多角度的需求,帮助其全面提升运营水平。
Finally, Mr. Tao Li, Assistant General Manager from VoiceCodes gave a presentation on how to provide customer service centers with more efficient and localized WFO solutions through a combination of Teleopti WFM solutions to meet the center’s demands at multi-levels and help it to improve operation level.


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