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客户世界|CNCCA |2008-10-11


eSOON China Corporation

供稿:CNCCA | 来源:客户世界 | 2008-10-11


eSOON(亿迅)是大中国区最大的客服中心解决方案供货商,企业客户超过350家,包括各个行业的顶尖企业,在中国金融领域享有超过80%的市场占有率,在全中国各地拥有14家分公司和300多名员工,并保持以每年40%的速度增长。亿迅拥有自主研发的 CRM 解决方案-EZactor,同时也成为全球语音第一品牌-Nuance 和全球 CTI 第一品牌-Genesys 在大中国区的专业代理,为企业提供呼叫中心整体解决方案。除了在中国,eSOON 还同时拥有位于荷兰鹿特丹、美国硅谷和日本东京的分公司经营全球市场。

自 eSOON 公司1999年成立以来,我们一直致力于客户关系管理(CRM)领域,特别是在客服中心方面拥有强大的技术实力和实际业务操作经验,能够处理客户的动态需求。为了保障我们的宣言“创造一个简便的 IT 业务范例”能够100%地成功,我们招募了不同技能不同领域的专家共同创造一个适应各种企业的综合解决方案。通过获奖的 EZactor 和 Genesys 产品套件,配合全球最尖端最有影响力的 Nuance 语音技术,高素质的技术团队,商业咨询团队,有价值的见解以及从客户宝贵的实际经验上总结出的建议来展现一个充满活力的解决方案。

Brief Introduction of the Winning Units:

eSOON is the number one contact center solution provider in Greater China with more than 350 enterprise customers served by more than 300 employees located throughout the 14 regional offices.  eSOON owns over 80% market share of the financial sector in China and achieves a solid annual business growth rate of 40%.

In addition to the self-developed CRM solution-EZactor, eSOON is also the authorized distributor of the world ranking voice brand- Nuance and CTI brand- Genesys in Greater China. Outside China, eSOON operates in North America via our Sunnyvale, USA office, in Europe via our Rotterdam, Netherlands office, and in Japan via our Tokyo office, to better serve our global accounts.

Since eSOON’s incorporation in 1999, we have been focusing exclusively on the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) domain, with emphasis on the contact center area where strong technical capabilities and practical business know-how are required to handle customers’ frequent and dynamic requirement changes. To ensure our mission statement, “create an easy IT paradigm for businesses” can be achieved with 100% project success, we recruited experts with different skills and domain knowledge to create comprehensive solutions suitable for various industries. Our robust solutions are presented to customers via the award winning EZactor and Genesys product suites together with world-class Nuance voice technology, in conjunction with our highly skilled technical & business consulting teams and valuable insights from existing customers based on their hands-on experience.


客户世界机构(CCMWorld Group)




