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客户世界|CNCCA |2007-09-21



毕业于北京第二外国语大学,持有英国利兹大学MBA学位,拥有十年的国内外大型呼叫中心运营管理经验。04年归国后,负责领导、组建集售前、售中、售后三位于一体的艺龙旅行网客户关怀中心,通过流程改进、服务创新等方式使其领导的团队整体ROI超过240%。目前负责管理淘宝网客户服务、淘宝大学、网络安全业务,通过线上与线下服务相结合的方式为超过4,000万的淘宝网会员提供365 x 7 x 24小时的服务。回国后为中国呼叫中心产业撰写了多篇很有影响力的文章,在过去的几年中努力为企业、为中国呼叫中心行业培养人才,并与国内外的专家学者一起积极探讨中国传统呼叫中心领域所面临的挑战与机遇。路岩先生在推动呼叫中心产业化,研讨中国呼叫中心及BPO行业面对的挑战和可行性方面发挥了积极、重要的作用。

Brief Introduction of the Winning Units:

Graduated from Leeds University, the UK, with the degree of MBA.With his 10 years experience in customer service and contact center management both in China and in western countries, Mr. Lu is known as one of the very few people skilled with the best practices of both Eastern and Western call center management in China. Mr. Lu came to help and work for the Chinese call center industry in the year of 2004. Mr. Lu is currently serving Taobao.com – China’s largest C2C marketplace with 85% market share in greater China area, as it’s Senior Director of Customer Center. At this capacity, Mr. Lu looks after Taobao’s Customer Service, Member Education and Trust & Safety businesses. Mr. Lu contributed a lot to the development of China’s call center industry. He is a frequent article contributor on call center management topics and was invited as the key-note speaker by various forums and conferences of high importance. Mr. Lu actively studied and deeply involved in the discussion on the challenges and opportunities that the China’s call center industry faces, and has played an important role in the industrialization of call center business in China.


客户世界机构(CCMWorld Group)




