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客户世界|CNCCA |2007-09-21



先后担任东软集团全网网络管理、IT部部长、呼叫中心部长等职。2003年起全面负责东软呼叫中心的团队建设、运营管理、系统规划等业务。她的带领下,2007 年东软呼叫中心服务范围不断扩张,并形成了技术、成本、服务意识、灵活性等方面的独特优势。引入国际管理标准,从招聘筛选到独立上线,从服务监控到QA 评判都遵循各个项目的服务基准,与员工一起分析业务数据,亲自参与培训、设计报表、建立考评监听机制。使得各项业务的KPI 指标均达到或超过客户要求,频频赢得客户的信任和赞叹。目前,东软呼叫中心提供中、日、英、韩等多语种服务,而且服务范围不断增加,涵盖客户服务、技术支持、helpdesk、应用服务支持等多个层面;业务线从1条发展到现在的十几条,成为东软BPO服务的核心业务。

Brief Introduction of the Winning Units:

Ms. Qin Yang, the general manager of Neusoft call center, has been the network administrator of Neusoft Group, the IT manager, and call center manager successively. In 2003, she took charge of Neusoft call center, responsible for its team building, operation management and system design, etc. Through her leading, in 2007, Neusoft’s Call Center business expands quickly and exerts the unique advantages on technology, cost, service consciousness, and flexibility, etc. She introduced the international management standard, supervised all the processes, from candidates selection to independent going live qualification testing, from service monitoring to QA assessment, following the SLA of each project. She personally analyzed the operation data together with her team members, took part in training, report designing, and QA assessment. All the projects had achieved or excelled the customers’ KPI targets, and won their trust and praise.

Nowadays, Neusoft call center provides multi-language service including Chinese, Japanese, English and Korean. The service scope expands fast and covers several levels, includes customer service, technical support, helpdesk, and application support, etc. The business lines have increasingly developed from one to tens. It has become the core business of Neusoft BPO.


客户世界机构(CCMWorld Group)




