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客户世界|CNCCA |2007-09-21



赵金龙先生于1990年进入中国工商银行,一直在该行从事经营管理工作。2003年进入中国工商银行电子银行中心,并担任该中心客户服务处副处长职务,全面负责电子银行中心呼叫中心的运营管理,参与并组织实施了一体化电话银行、国际卡电话银行等重大整合项目,顺利实施了电子银行中心对北方15家分行电话银行业务的集中托管。2006年,他又参与并组织筹建了中国工商银行电子银行中心成都分中心,并为分中心的运营管理提供指导意见。由他组建的电话营销呼出队伍,取得了较好的经济效益,为电话银行营销领域做出了有益的尝试和积累。赵金龙先生具有丰富的银行管理及客户服务经验,他在工作中大胆尝试,引入科学的现代化管理工具和手段,创新了电话银行精细化管理新模式。 5年中,他凭借严格但不失人性化的管理,使95588的服务水平赢得了社会的肯定,他领导的团队先后荣获“中国客户关怀与公众服务标杆企业金奖”、“2006中国最佳全国呼叫中心”等荣誉。

Brief Introduction of the Winning Units:

Mr. Zhao Jinlong joined ICBC in 1990 and has been engaged in operation management since then. He was appointed as the vice director of the Customer Service Section in the E-banking Centre in 2003, to be in charge of the overall operation management of the call centre. He has organized some important integration projects such as the integrated Telephone Banking and International Card Telephone Banking, and completed the centralized trust of the Telephone Banking service of 15 branches in northern China by the E-banking Centre. He has also participated in the establishment of the Chengdu Branch and provided supervision in operation management for the branch in 2006. The outbound call marketing team organized by him has achieved good economic benefit and accumulated valuable experience in the field of telephone marketing. With his rich experience in banking management and customer service and scientific management measures, Mr. Zhao has created a refined management mode in Telephone Banking. With his strict yet
human-based management, the service of "95588" has won recognition of the society in the past 5 years. The team headed by him has won such honors as the "Golden Award of Model Corporation for China Customer Care and Public Service" and "2006 China’s Best Call Centre".


客户世界机构(CCMWorld Group)




