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客户世界|Teleperformance |2006-12-20

< p>法国Teleperformance作为全球第一CRM外包服务供应商,为了更进一步推动全球拓展策略,更好的服务于全球客户,现在北京设立了外包客服中心—Teleperformance China(北京互联企信信息技术有限公司)并首期成功建成可扩充坐席200个(后期可扩充至2000个);依靠Teleperformance集团为强大的后盾,采用全球统一的服务标准和运营考核指标,Teleperformance China将继续竭力为我们的客户提供专业、系统的呼叫中心培训、呼出、呼入业务,致力于协助客户实现最大的商业价值。
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< p>Teleperformance成立于1978年,总部设在法国巴黎,并在欧洲上市(欧洲证券交易所股票代码:5180)目前的坐席数量位居世界第一(坐席数量超过46000个,员工总数超过60000人);其业务遍及全球41个国家和地区;全球客户超过1000家,拥有268个客户联络中心并可提供51种语言及方言服务;每年客户联络超过10亿次。Teleperformance曾获得过邓白氏在6275个竞争对手中评选颁发的5A1级最高荣誉。领先的CRM呼叫中心经验;全球性的业务分布;灵活的解决方案和合作模式;合理的成本控制;统一的运营标准文化;良好的财务状况及资深的行业专家和管理团队是Teleperformance成功的基础。
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< p>28年来Teleperformance已深入全球电信、金融、保险、电子商务、媒体、IT、能源设施、交通旅游、制造、物流、制药等行业,并成功为大型跨国公司如:Sprint、France Telecom、Verizon、AIG、Aegon、Microsoft、Dell、Motorola、Citigroup等提供以CRM为核心的服务体系,服务类型包括:客户挖掘、客户关怀、客户增值、技术支持、债务追讨和市场调研;其中90%的客户和我们有2—15年的合作基础。
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< p>Teleperformance在中国以外的41个国家和地区正在为很多跨国集团提供着服务;在此我们很真诚的希望与许多客户的合作在中国可以延续,并且借助中国强大的市场资源和Teleperformance集团丰富的运营经验,Teleperformance China将继续为在中国的全球客户提供专业的服务。
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< p>地址:北京市海淀区知春路甲63号卫星大厦3层
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< p align="center">Teleperformance Stepped into china
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< p>In order to extend our global development strategy and better service our global clients, Teleperformance, the worldwide number 1 contact center provide*, has officially expanded its geographic footprint into China (Beijing Interactive CRM Technology Limited). Teleperformance China contact center has an initially capacity of 200 workstations operations in Beijing and scalable to 2000 workstations, if needed. With the strong support from the group by adopting the its global unified service standards and operation processes and procedures –  “Best Practices”, Teleperformance China will able to provide our clients a true customer relationship strategy which gives brands a clear competitive advantage in the eyes of their consumers, by delivering a wide range of contact center solutions, including: Customer Acquisition, Customer Information Services, Customer Value Growth, Technical Assistance and Help Desk, Debt Collection, Market Research and other professional services such as training and consulting.
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< p>Teleperformance began its operations in 1978 and has been profitable since inception. Teleperformance is also a publicly traded company in the Euronext stock market (code 5180), established in 1978 with its headquarter in Paris. Teleperformance has a total capacity of more than 46,000 workstations, workforce of over 60,000 employees across 41 countries and able to deliver contact center services in 51 languages and dialects for our 1000+ global customers. Teleperformance holds an industry best 5A1 Dunn & Bradstreet rating among 6,275 competitors (D&B number is 26-096-8963). With our leading position in the CRM service delivery, we strive to deliver unique added value in terms our: flexibility, scalability, persity, proactivity, global business distribution, competitive pricing, openness to our clients. Together with health financial situation, operations “best practices” and experienced management team, Teleperformance has been recognized as the Number 1 Global Teleservices Agency.
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< p>Through its 28 years of services, Teleperformance has established a balanced, persified and stable customer base in many industry sections including telecommunications, Financial Institutions, Insurance, e-commerce, Media, IT, Energy & Utilities, Transportation & Travel, Manufacturing, Logistics, Pharmaceuticals/Healthcare etc., and has successfully established long term business partnerships with big multinational corporations such as Sprint、France Telecom、Verizon、AIG、AEGON、Microsoft、Dell、Motorola、Citigroup etc. by delivering services like: customer acquisition, customer care, customer value growth, technical assistance, debt collection and market research. Over 90% of our clients has a stable business partnerships with us for more than 2-15 years.
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< p>Complementing the continuous support that we shall receive from the group and the rich experience of our China team in contact center management, Telepeformance China would sincerely hope to receive the opportunity to extend our business partnerships into China.
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< p>Address: 3F, Satellite Tower, Jia 63, Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing
< p>Tel: 86-10-59936000
< p>Fax: 86-10-59936001




