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客户世界|CNCCA |2006-09-14


eSOON China Corporation

供稿:CNCCA | 来源:客户世界 | 2006-09-14


eSOON是一家以客户为中心的企业,企业的座右铭ABC已经深入到公司的业务发展和日常经营中。A——Attach to market(靠近市场),Adhere to customer(拥抱客户)和Apply in value(创造价值),通过快速响应客户的需求和递送业务创新把eSOON和客户紧紧地联系在一起;B——Believe CRM(相信CRM),Behold CRM(深研CRM)和Behave CRM(实践CRM)的价值观是eSOON对研发和CRM各个领域的追求;最后C——Creativity(创新精神),Cooperation(团队合作)和Conformity(表里如一)是eSOON为了缔造完美决不妥协的职业精神。


Brief Introduction of the Winning Units

eSOON is the number one contact center solution provider in Greater China with more than 200 enterprise customers served by 270 employees located in 14 regional offices, and has achieved a solid annual business growth rate of 40%. Outside China, eSOON operates in Europe via our Rotterdam, Netherlands office, and plans to set up offices in North America, Japan, and other Asia Pacific countries over the next twelve months.

eSOON builds their organization around customers, and the “ABC” company motto is deeply rooted within their business development and daily operations. The “A” expressions – “Attach to market”, “Adhere to customer”, and “Apply in value” tie them closely to customers for their immediate demand fulfillment and business innovation delivery. “Believe CRM”, “Behold CRM”, and “Behave CRM” values are their persistent approach to research, develop, and perform every aspect of the CRM domain. Finally, “Creativity”, “Cooperation”, and “Conformity” are their kernel working spirits for uncompromising excellence.

Since eSOON’s incorporation in 1999, they have been focusing exclusively on the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) domain, with emphasis on the contact center area where strong technical capabilities and practical business know-how are required to handle customers’ frequent and dynamic requirement changes. To ensure our mission statement, “create an easy IT paradigm for businesses” can be achieved with 100% project success, they recruited experts with different skills and domain knowledge to create comprehensive solution sets suitable for various industries. Their robust solutions are presented to customers via EZactor and Genesys product suites, their highly skilled technical and business consulting teams, and valuable insights and recommendations from existing customers with their true hands-on experience.


客户世界机构(CCMWorld Group)




