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|Barney Beal|2006-07-09

  微软再一次改组了其商务软件部门。这一次是把微软Dynamics CRM开发团队置于Office部门的领导之下。

  据微软称,微软商务部门将采用一种新的编制结构,Dynamics CRM开发部门将加入LOBI(Line of Business Interoperability,商务协同产品线)团队,BI(商务智能)部门将归Office商务平台事业部领导。

  此外,作为重点加强微软Office商务智能应用程序的一部分,刘易斯·莱文(Lewis Levin)已经被任命为负责Office商务应用战略的副总裁。微软去年秋季曾宣布,它将通过Office 12产品增加向商务智能的投资。另外,微软本月初概要介绍了一个雄心勃勃的计划,要把商务智能与绩效管理结合在一起。

  微软商务部门负责财务绩效的杜格·伯古姆(Doug Burgum)去年年底宣布要调到微软小企业部门担任授权代表。微软到目前为止还没有任命接替他的人选。伯古姆将继续负责这个部门的工作,同时寻找接替他的人。


Microsoft reshuffles CRM, BI
By Barney Beal, News Director
29 Jun 2006 | SearchCRM.com  
Microsoft has once again reshuffled its business units, this time bringing the Microsoft Dynamics CRM development team under the Office group.

According to Microsoft, the Microsoft Business Division will have a new structure with the Dynamics CRM development group joining the Line of Business Interoperability team and the BI group under the Office Business Platform Group.

Additionally, as part of the company’s focus on Office Business Intelligence applications, Lewis Levin has been named corporate vice president of Office Business Application Strategy. The company announced last fall that it was increasing its investment in BI through the Office 12 product. Also, earlier this month Microsoft outlined an ambitious plan to bring together BI with performance management. 
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Microsoft has not yet named someone to oversee the financial performance of the Microsoft Business Division, succeeding Doug Burgum, who announced plans late last that he will shift into a role as an ambassador for the company’s small business pision. Burgum will continue to lead the pision as he seeks a replacement.

Microsoft’s CRM product, which was plagued by early delays to its 2.0 release, has seen momentum with the product since it skipped 2.0 and went directly to version 3.0 last summer.



