科罗思咨询集团(CFI Group)简介
客户世界|CFI Group |2007-10-31
科罗思咨询集团(CFI Group)成立于1988年,总部在美国,是全球最知名的客户满意度管理咨询公司。科罗思咨询集团的主要领导及研究人员都是在客户满意度管理方面的著名专家学者,集团董事长科罗思.费耐尔教授(Claes Fornell)是美国国立质量研究院院长、密西根大学商学院终生教授,他是当代“客户及员工满意度”测评系统的创立者和最权威的专家。科罗思咨询集团的14个分公司遍布全球,共有200多名咨询顾问和高级研究人员,大多数人拥有工商管理硕士学位(MBA)或博士学位(PHD),现时有上百家国际500强公司享用科罗思集团的咨询服务,同时运行的咨询项目超过150项。
科罗思咨询集团(CFI Group)是美国国家客户满意度指数(ACSI)的主要创立者,用科罗思方法创建的美国ACSI客户满意度指数现已成为美国国家标准指数之一,是美国经济的晴雨表。此外,欧盟、瑞典、德国、韩国、中国台湾及香港等国家和地区的客户满意度指数也是以该方法为蓝本来创建的。ACSI客户满意度指数模型由客户对产品的预期质量、感知质量(包括产品和服务质量)、感知价值和客户满意程度、忠诚度及客户抱怨(投诉)六个结构变量及其相应的指标构成。运用该指数模型得到的测评结果能够客观地反映客户对企业的产品及服务的满意度和忠诚度,国内各行业领先公司的测评结果也能够直接和相应行业的国际领先公司的测评结果进行比较。
Claes Fornell
Chairman, CFI Group Worldwide
Claes Fornell is the Donald C. Cook Professor of Business at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and the Director of the National Quality Research Center (NQRC) at the University of Michigan. He has also been on the faculty of Northwestern University and Duke University. Born and raised in Sweden, he received a Doctor of Economics in 1976 from the University of Lund, Sweden. As a doctoral student, he was also a Fulbright Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1987 he has also been a visiting professor at INSEAD, France and at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
Professor Fornell is one of the world’s leading experts on Customer Satisfaction Measurement and Customer Asset Management. He is responsible for the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), a new national indicator of the economy. He has also developed a patented system that makes it possible for a firm to identify those specific aspects of quality that have the largest impact on customer satisfaction and economic returns. Professor Fornell is the founder and chairman of CFI Group (www.cfigroup.com), a firm that develops and implements this system for in pidual firms. CFI Group (www.cfigroup.com) has offices in Ann Arbor, Atlanta, Stockholm, Madrid, Paris, Milan, London, Shanghai and Beijing with leading firms around the world as its clients.
He is also the Chairman of the Board of ForeSee Results, Inc. (www.foreseeresults.com), which has developed the ACSI technology for application to web site user satisfaction measurement. It is one of the fastest growing companies in its market and has received many awards for its technology.
Professor Fornell has written more than 80 published articles and several books. He has served on the editorial board of all the major academic journals in the field. He frequently appears on radio, television and in the press as a commentator on business and economics.
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