了解因特网语音技术Understanding The Voice-Enabled

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了解因特网语音技术Understanding The Voice-Enabled

了解因特网语音技术Understanding The Voice-Enabled

Edwin K. Margulies | null | 2006-04-14

< p align='left' class='style3'>英文  了解因特网语音技术Understanding The Voice-Enabled
< p align='left' class='style3'>图书名称 < p align='left'>了解因特网语音技术Understanding The Voice-Enabled
作者: Edwin K. Margulies
出版社: null
内容简介: This book is the absolute and definitive reference guide to the merger between the Internet, World Wide Web, the computer and the telephone. No other text covers the Internet Telephony and Web-Enabled call center with this depth. These disciplines are crashing together with great speed. Now, for the first time you have a source for what to buy, how to plan and where to succeed on the voice-enabled ‘Net.
You’ll learn about Web-enabled Call Centers and Help Desks, Web-To-IVR Links, Text-To-Speech Web Browsing, FAX On Demand, Personal AIN (incl. One number Calling and Call Re-routing ), Multimedia Gateways, Collaborative Distance Computing, Interactive Gaming, Unified Messaging and, of course, Toll-Free Phone Calls.

The brightest and most experienced minds are making it all come together. This book tells the story in full. Exhaustive interviews with experts from these educators, programmers, enthusiasts and companies make Understanding The Voice-Enabled Internet informative and easy to read:

Active Voice Corporation, American Network Systems, Boardwatch Magazine, Brooktrout Technology, Camelot, Centigram Communications Corp., Connectix, Davidson Consulting, Dialogic Corporation, Digital Sound Corp., Edify Corp., Enhanced Systems, Inc., FaxSav, Inc., FreeTel Communications, Inc., HTI Voice Solutions, Ibex Technologies, Inc., IBM Corp., Inference, Intel Corporation, iNTELiTRAK Technologies, Intelligent Visual Computing, Intellisystems, International Data Corp., Lansys Ltd., Linkon Corporation, MediaGate, MediaMail, Microsoft, NetPhonic Communications, NetSpeak Corp., NetWatch, Inc., NetXchange Communications, Novell, Octel Communications, Periphonics, Precept Software, Inc., Professional Help Desk, Progressive Networks, Quarterdeck Corp., Quest Interactive Media, Inc., Rockwell Switching Systems, Securicor Telecoms, Siemens Rolm Communications, Spanlink Communications, Stylus Innovation, Sun Microsystems, Syntellect, Inc., TAC Systems, Inc., Teknekron Infoswitch Corp., Telescape Communications, Telinet, UNISYS Corp., Venturian Software, VocalTec, and Voxware, Inc.

版次: First Edition, August 1996



720 Pages
Code P50003

ISBN 0-936648-91-0

价格: 34.95美元


转载请注明来源:了解因特网语音技术Understanding The Voice-Enabled

